PySpark's pipeline is a powerful tool that encapsulates machine learning processes. We can build rather complicated pipelines to our needs using the existing estimators/transformers come with the PySpark's library, until we can't. In this article, I will show how we can build custom estimators and transformers to make the pipeline even more powerful.

Imagine that we want to build a model with some high cardinality categorical features. Upon inspection, we find that only some most frequent values are useful and we decide to keep those frequent values and mask other values "OTHERS". We will implement CardinalityReducer that will keep only most frequent N values in a categorical column (or a column of string type). We will implement it in a way so that it can fit training sets together with other components in a pipeline.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from pyspark import keyword_only
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
from import Estimator, Transformer
from import Pipeline, PipelineModel
from import (
from import DefaultParamsReadable, DefaultParamsWritable

spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").getOrCreate()

print(f"PySpark Version: {spark.version}")
PySpark Version: 3.4.1

Before the implementation, we need to understand is the differences between Estimator and Transformer. Let's take our example CardinalityReducer. It is going to be an Estimator that will know:

  • input column: what column it is going to perform the cardinality reduction;
  • output column: where should the results be stored;
  • top n: the number of most frequent values to keep.

However, the estimator CardinalityReducer doesn't know the most frequent values util it sees that training data and learn the statistics. So it cannot transform any datasets.

Once CardinalityReducer sees (i.e., is fitted on) the training data, it will return a transformer CardinalityReducerModel that knows input column, output column and the top n values to keep. This transformer has all needed information to actual transform datasets. We will start from CardinalityReducerModel.

class CardinalityReducerModelParams(
    HasInputCol, # param: inputCol
    HasOutputCol, # param: outputCol
    # param: keepValues
    keepValues = Param(
        Params._dummy(), # parent of the param, it is required to set to this placeholder
        "keepValues", # name of the param
        "A list of values to keep for the categorical column", # desc of the param
        TypeConverters.toListString # try to convert param to a list of strings

    def __init__(self):
        # good practice: set default values for params

    # HasInputCol has the getter but not the setter
    # we add the setter
    # same for HasOutputCol
    def setInputCol(self, inputCol):
        return self._set(inputCol=inputCol)

    def setOutputCol(self, outputCol):
        return self._set(outputCol=outputCol)

    # getter and setter for keepValues
    def getKeepValues(self):
        return self.getOrDefault(self.keepValues)

    def setKeepValues(self, vals):
        return self._set(keepValues=vals)

I personally prefer to put the parameters in their own class for Tramsformer or Estimator. But we can put them directly in Transformer/Estimator if we want. Going a bit more on the details on CardinalityReducerModelParams, we see 3 parameters: inputCol (provided by HasInputCol), outputCol (provided by HasOutputCol) and keepValues (custom). You might notice that the keepValues is a class level attribute. Won't that be a problem since all instances of the class share the same class level attributes?

The answer is no and it is handled by some internal tricks. HasInputCol is a subclass of Params and in its __init__ function:

class _Params: # modified, original: Params(Identifiable, metaclass=ABCMeta)

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        # other codes

        # Copy the params from the class to the object

The class level params will be copied to instances by Params._copy_params so that they have individual params. We need to make sure our custom params inherit from Params or subclass(es) of it. In our case, CardinalityReducerModelParams inherits from HasInputCol and HasOutputCol, which are subclasses of Params. A deeper dig into Params._copy_params also shows that we need to use Params._dummy() in our custom param keepValues. I will leave it as an exercise for you to trace the code. I will give you a hint: you need to trace back to Param._copy_new_parent and Params._dummy().

class CardinalityReducerModel(
    Transformer, # must inherit Transformer
    CardinalityReducerModelParams, # params for the tramsformer
    # the two classes below make the transformer serializable
    def __init__(self, *, inputCol=None, outputCol=None, keepValues=None):
        kwargs = self._input_kwargs # need to pair with keyword_only decorator

    def setParams(self, *, inputCol=None, outputCol=None, keepValues=None):
        kwargs = self._input_kwargs
        return self._set(**kwargs)

    def _transform(self, dataset):
        # get params for the transformer, provided by CardinalityReducerModelParams
        # it is a good time to validate our params here
        # for example, the dataset must contain inputCol
        # I leave the validation out for simplicity
        inputCol = self.getInputCol()
        outputCol = self.getOutputCol()
        keepVals = set(self.getKeepValues())

        # transform: keep top values and mask the remainings "OTHERS"
        dataset = dataset.withColumn(
            f.when(f.col(inputCol).isin(keepVals), f.col(inputCol)).otherwise(f.lit("OTHERS"))
        return dataset

Excellent, we got our CardinalityReducerModelParams. At minimum, a custom transformer must inherit the base class Transformer and implement _transform.

Let's make some fake data and try it out!

    "a": ["a1"] * 4 + ["a2"] * 3 + ["a3"] * 2 + ["a4"] * 1,
    "b": ["b1"] * 7 + ["b2"] * 3
for val in data.values():

df = spark.createDataFrame(
|  a|  b|
| a2| b1|
| a3| b2|
| a1| b1|
| a4| b1|
| a2| b2|
| a3| b1|
| a1| b1|
| a1| b1|
| a2| b2|
| a1| b1|

xformer = CardinalityReducerModel(
    keepValues=["a1", "a2"]
|  a|  b|a_reduced|
| a2| b1|       a2|
| a3| b2|   OTHERS|
| a1| b1|       a1|
| a4| b1|   OTHERS|
| a2| b2|       a2|
| a3| b1|   OTHERS|
| a1| b1|       a1|
| a1| b1|       a1|
| a2| b2|       a2|
| a1| b1|       a1|

Now we are ready to implement CardinalityReducer. We will again separate out the params into a class CardinalityReducerParams. Since it is very simlar to CardinalityReducerModelParams, I will skip the explanation.

class CardinalityReducerParams(
    topN = Param(
        "Keep top N number of values in the categorical column",

    def __init__(self):
        # set default values

    def setInputCol(self, inputCol):
        return self._set(inputCol=inputCol)

    def setOutputCol(self, outputCol):
        return self._set(outputCol=outputCol)

    def getTopN(self):
        return self.getOrDefault(self.topN)

    def setTopN(self, val):
        return self._set(topN=val)

For a custom estimator, it must inherit Estimator and implement _fit that returns a corresponding transformer. For our estimator CardinalityReducer, it learns the most frequent values and returns a CardinalityReducerModel in its CardinalityReducer._fit.

class CardinalityReducer(
    Estimator, # a must for custom estimator
    CardinalityReducerParams, # params
    # make it serializable by subclassing the following two classes
    def __init__(self, *, inputCol=None, outputCol=None, topN=None, maskValue=None):
        kwargs = self._input_kwargs

    def setParams(self, *, inputCol=None, outputCol=None, topN=None, maskValue=None):
        kwargs = self._input_kwargs
        return self._set(**kwargs)

    def _fit(self, dataset):
        # get params
        inputCol = self.getInputCol()
        outputCol = self.getOutputCol()
        topN = self.getTopN()

        # compute the top N values in the inputCol
        keepVals = (

        # return a CardinalityReducerModel with learned top values to keep
        model = CardinalityReducerModel(
        return model

It is not hard, right? Let's use it on our fake data. We will put two CardinalityReducerin a pipeline, one for column a and one for b!

# make our pipeline with our custom estimator CardinalityReducer
pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[
    CardinalityReducer(inputCol="a", outputCol="a_reduced", topN=2),
    CardinalityReducer(inputCol="b", outputCol="b_reduced", topN=1)

# fit the pipeline on the dataset to get a transformer
model =
# transform datasets
|  a|  b|a_reduced|b_reduced|
| a2| b1|       a2|       b1|
| a3| b2|   OTHERS|   OTHERS|
| a1| b1|       a1|       b1|
| a4| b1|   OTHERS|       b1|
| a2| b2|       a2|   OTHERS|
| a3| b1|   OTHERS|       b1|
| a1| b1|       a1|       b1|
| a1| b1|       a1|       b1|
| a2| b2|       a2|   OTHERS|
| a1| b1|       a1|       b1|

We have successfully implemented an estimator CardinalityReducer and its corresponding transformer CardinalityReducerModel. Lastly, we save and load back the pipeline model to test the cabability of persisting the model.

# save the model

# load back the model
loaded_model = PipelineModel.load("saved-models/cardinality-reducer")

# use the loaded model 
|  a|  b|a_reduced|b_reduced|
| a2| b1|       a2|       b1|
| a3| b2|   OTHERS|   OTHERS|
| a1| b1|       a1|       b1|
| a4| b1|   OTHERS|       b1|
| a2| b2|       a2|   OTHERS|
| a3| b1|   OTHERS|       b1|
| a1| b1|       a1|       b1|
| a1| b1|       a1|       b1|
| a2| b2|       a2|   OTHERS|
| a1| b1|       a1|       b1|