- 2023/09/04PySpark Estimator and Transformer
- 2021/08/05Simple SVD with Bias for Netflix Prize
- 2020/12/03Clustering Weibo Tags
- 2020/10/10Principal Component Analysis
- 2020/10/08Linear Regression
- 2020/10/04LeetCode Contest 209
- 2020/09/26LeetCode Contest 208
- 2020/08/29LeetCode Contest 204
- 2020/08/16SIR to fit COVID-19 data in the U.S.
- 2020/05/10LeetCode Contest 188
- 2020/04/30[npnet] 循环神经网络
- 2020/03/07[npnet] 卷积神经网络
- 2020/02/13[npnet] 卷积模型
- 2020/01/04[npnet] 串型网络
- 2019/12/29LeetCode Contest 169
- 2019/12/14LeetCode Contest 167
- 2019/11/09[npnet] 优化器
- 2019/10/19[npnet] 逻辑回归
- 2019/10/05[npnet] 线性回归
- 2019/09/25[npnet] 序言
- 2019/08/12编辑 Raspbian 镜像
- 2019/01/202018, 在路上
- 2018/08/14Simple Grid Detection for Sudoku
- 2018/06/17Pytorch on RaspberryPi
- 2018/06/07Chapi
- 2018/04/30一个“朴素”的推荐系统
- 2018/04/17解密安卓微信聊天记录数据库
- 2018/04/16Les misérables
- 2018/04/05Digit recognition, CNN
- 2018/04/01LeetCode Contest 78
- 2018/03/25Markov Decision Process: Finite horizon
- 2018/03/06Markov Decision Process: Continuous states
- 2018/02/07Markov Decision Process
- 2018/01/17The Phantom of the Opera
- 2018/01/13Principal Component Analysis
- 2018/01/06烤猪排
- 2017/11/25LeetCode Contest 60
- 2017/11/12蒜蓉鸡蛋面
- 2017/11/09Factor Analysis
- 2017/11/05Expectation-Maximization algorithm
- 2017/11/05LeetCode Contest 57
- 2017/10/17Digit recognition, Softmax
- 2017/10/14LeetCode Contest 54
- 2017/10/08LeetCode Contest 53
- 2017/10/08Support Vector Machine
- 2017/10/02Generative Model
- 2017/10/01LeetCode Contest 52
- 2017/09/23Generalized Linear Model (Examples)
- 2017/09/23LeetCode Contest 51
- 2017/09/20Generalized Linear Model
- 2017/09/12简单的python爬虫
- 2017/09/10LeetCode Contest 49
- 2017/09/02LeetCode Contest 48
- 2017/08/27LeetCode Contest 47
- 2017/08/26意志力
- 2017/08/13LeetCode Contest 45
- 2017/08/09Pelican Signals
- 2017/08/06LeetCode Contest 44
- 2017/07/30LeetCode Contest 43
- 2017/07/22LeetCode Contest 42
- 2017/07/20Lambda Calculus
- 2017/07/10maupassant: a Pelican theme
- 2017/06/29Cassini Ovals
- 2017/06/25Leetcode Contest 38
- 2017/06/22Rademacher functions
- 2017/06/20Lüroth expansion
- 2017/06/19Raspberry Pi Zero W无屏设置
- 2017/06/18Leetcode Contest 37
- 2017/06/03Leetcode Contest 35
- 2017/05/20Leetcode Contest 33
- 2017/05/13Leetcode Contest 32
- 2017/05/11编写Hexo插件让主页显示特定的文章
- 2017/05/06Leetcode Contest 31
- 2017/04/29Leetcode Contest 30
- 2017/04/22Leetcode Contest 29
- 2017/04/15Leetcode Contest 28
- 2017/04/08Leetcode Contest 27
- 2017/04/02Cabaret
- 2017/03/26Leetcode Contest 25
- 2017/03/18Leetcode Contest 24
- 2017/03/11Leetcode Contest 23
- 2017/03/04Leetcode Contest 22
- 2017/02/25Leetcode Contest 21
- 2017/02/20Leetcode Contest 20
- 2016/10/04Idempotented algebra
- 2016/01/11我的2015
- 2015/09/28Gelfand pairs of finite groups
- 2015/07/14Unfolding of a global integral for $GL_n \times GL_m$
- 2015/05/11Nontrivial bound for a sum involving characters
- 2015/01/102014年
- 2014/12/19Induced representations and Mackey theory
- 2014/11/30Tensor product of two linear maps
- 2014/10/23Locally closed subgroups are closed
- 2014/09/28Examples of split and non-split tori
- 2014/08/05The Mellin transform
- 2014/07/26$k$ squares problem
- 2014/07/14Self hypnosis and insomnia
- 2014/05/06雨后随写
- 2014/01/01过去的2013
- 2012/08/01一个人的旅游