Leetcode Contest 24



第一题Diameter of Binary Tree


递归想法:对于每个树节点,计算经过该树节点最长路径的长度。只要修改求每个节点高度的程序就行。先算当前左子树的高度l和右子树的高度r,那么以该经过该节点最长路径的长度就是l+r+1,然后返回该节点的高度max(l, r)+1

# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.left = None
#         self.right = None

class Solution(object):
    def diameterOfBinaryTree(self, root):
        :type root: TreeNode
        :rtype: int
        if not root:
            return 0
        def height(root, ans):
            if not root:
                return 0
            l = height(root.left, ans)
            r = height(root.right, ans)
            ans[0] = max(ans[0], l+r+1)
            return max(l, r)+1

        ans = [0]
        height(root, ans)
        return ans[0]-1

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Leetcode Contest 23



第一题Reverse String II



class Solution(object):
    def reverseStr(self, s, k):
        :type s: str
        :type k: int
        :rtype: str
        lst = []
        for i in xrange(0, len(s), 2*k):
        for i, s in enumerate(lst):
            lst[i] = s[:k][::-1]+s[k:]
        return ''.join(lst)

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Leetcode Contest 22



第一题K-diff Pairs in an Array



class Solution(object):
    def findPairs(self, nums, k):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :type k: int
        :rtype: int
        if k < 0:
            return 0
        ans = 0
        d = {}
        for n in nums:
            d[n] = d.get(n, 0) + 1
        if k == 0:
            for a, b in d.items():
                if b > 1:
                    ans += 1
            for a in d.keys():
                if a+k in d:
                    ans += 1
        return ans

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Leetcode Contest 21



第一题Minimum Absolute Difference in BST,我采取了简单粗暴的方法:首先中序遍历将所有数放在一个数组里,然后返回相邻两个数之间差的最小值。

# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.left = None
#         self.right = None

class Solution(object):

    def getMinimumDifference(self, root):
        :type root: TreeNode
        :rtype: int
        ans = []
        def inorder(root):
            if not root:
        return min(ans[i+1]-ans[i] for i in xrange(len(ans)-1))

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Leetcode Contest 20




class Solution(object):
    def detectCapitalUse(self, word):
        :type word: str
        :rtype: bool
        if all('A' <= c <= 'Z' for c in word):
            return True
        if all('a' <= c <= 'z' for c in word):
            return True
        return 'A' <= word[0] <= 'Z' and all('a' <= c <= 'z' for c in word[1:])

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Idempotented algebra

This post is a reading note to Bernstein’s Le “centre” de Bernstein, on the part of idempotented algebras (section 1.1 to 1.7, ibid.). Let \(R\) be a ring, an element \(e\) is called an idempotent if \(e^2=e\). Let \(k\) be a field.

Definition 1. A \(k\)-idempotented algebra \((H, I)\) is a \(k\)-algebra \(H\) together with the set idempotents \(I\) satisfying

(*) For any finite family \((x_i)\), there exists an idempotent \(e \in I\) such that \(ex_ie = x_i\) for all \(i\).

The \(k\)-structures of \(H\) is not involved in the discussion of this post, so we will ignore it. Let \((H, I)\) be an idempotented algebra for the rest of the post.

Lemma 2. Let \(e, f \in I\). The following are equivalent.

(1) \(eHe \subset fHf\)
(2) \(e \in fHf\)
(3) \(e = fef\)

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Quand on voit ce qu'on fut sur terre et ce qu'on laisse
Seul le silence est grand; tout le reste est faiblesse



2015年中我觉得对我最重要的事情就是换导师了。我原来的导师Prof. Yuval Flicker今年三四月份的时候退休了,我只好另选导师了。我对表示论感兴趣,但是系里只有三两个教授在做表示论,再仔细考虑一下自己以后可能要做的方向,那么就只剩下Prof. Yuval Flicker和Prof. James Cogdell了。我并没有其他选择,所以当Prof. Flicker退休之后,我在他们两人都同意之下,就正式更换了导师。Prof. Cogdell主要的工作在于L函数方面,所以我慢慢也往L函数这个方向靠拢了。如果现在有人问我是做什么方向的,我会回答是Representation theory of p adic groups。而现在我主要的研究一些表示的L函数的性质。在Prof. Cogdell的帮助下,我在12月考过了Candidacy Exam。希望我能在2016年里做出一些成果。

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Gelfand pairs of finite groups

In this post, I mainly focus on introducing Gelfand pairs of finite groups.

Representations of finite groups

Let’s recall some concepts. Let \(G\) be a finite group. A (complex) representation of \(G\) is a pair \((\rho, V)\) where \(V\) is a vector space over \(\C\) and \(\rho: G \to GL(V)\) is a group homomorphism. Let \((\rho_1, V_1)\) and \((\rho_2, V_2)\) be representations of \(G\), a \(G\)-morphism, or simply a morphism, between these two representations is a linear map \(\varphi: V_1 \to V_2\) such that for any \(g \in G\) and \(v \in V_1\), \[\varphi(\rho_1(g)v) = \rho_2(g)\varphi(v).\] Then \(\mathrm{Hom}_G(\rho_1, \rho_2)\), the set of morphisms between \(\rho_1\) and \(\rho_2\), is a vector space over \(\C\). A representation \((\rho, V)\) is irreducible, if there is no proper subspace \(W \subset V\), such that \(\rho(g)w \in W\) for any \(g \in G\) and \(w \in W\). Between irreducible representations, we have Schur’s lemma.

Theorem 1 (Schur’s lemma). Let \(\rho_1\) and \(\rho_2\) be irreducible representations of \(G\). Then \[\begin{equation*} \mathrm{Hom}_G(\rho_1, \rho_2) \cong \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \C, & \text{ if } \rho_1 \cong \rho_2; \\ 0, & \text{ otherwise.} \end{array} \right. \end{equation*}\]

It’s well known that \(G\) is semisimple, i.e., any representation of \(G\) decomposes into a direct sum of irreducible representations. A representation \((\rho, V)\) of \(G\) is called multiplicity free, if any irreducible representation appearing in the decomposition of \((\rho, V)\) appears exactly once, up to isomorphism.

Let \(H\) be a subgroup of \(G\). If \((\rho, V)\) is a representation of \(G\), we can certainly restrict the group homomorphism \(\rho: G \to GL(V)\) to \(H\) so that we can regard \((\rho, V)\) as a representation of \(H\). This is called the restriction of representations from \(G\) to \(H\), and the restricted representation of \(\rho\) will be denoted as \(r^G_H(\rho)\). Conversely, if \((\pi, W)\) is a representation of \(H\), we can build a representation \((\rho, V)\) of \(G\) out of \(\pi\), which is the induced representation, as follow.

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Unfolding of a global integral for $GL_n \times GL_m$

Let \((\pi, V_\pi)\) and \((\pi^\prime, V_{\pi^\prime})\) be cuspidal, unitary, irreducible automorphic representations of \(GL_n(\mathbb{A})\) and \(GL_m(\mathbb{A})\) respectively. We assume \(m < n\). Let \(\varphi \in V_\pi\) and \(\varphi \in V_{\pi^\prime}\). To pair \(\varphi\) and \(\varphi^\prime\) suitably together, we first need to project \(\varphi\) correspondingly.

Let \(\psi\) be a additive continuous automorphic character of \(\mathbb{A}\). We can extend it to a character of \(N_n(\mathbb{A})\), the standard Borel subgroup of \(GL_n(\mathbb{A})\), in the standard way: \[\psi(u) = \psi\left(\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}u_{i,i+1}\right),\] for \(u = (u_{i,j}) \in N_n(\mathbb{A})\). Let \(Y=Y_{n, m}\) be the standard unipotent radical associated to the partition \((m+1, 1, \dots, 1)\) of \(GL_n\), i.e., \[Y=\left\{\left(\begin{array}{cc}I_{m+1}&*\\ 0&u\end{array}\right): u \in N_{n-m-1}\right\} \subset N_n.\] Let \(P_{m+1}\) be the mirabolic subgroup of \(GL_{m+1}\), then for \(p \in P_{m+1}(\mathbb{A})\) define \[\mathbb{P}^n_m \varphi(p) = |\det p|^{-\frac{n-m-1}{2}}\int_{Y(k)\backslash Y(\mathbb{A})} \varphi\left(y\left(\begin{array}{cc} p& \\ & I_{n-m-1} \end{array}\right)\right)\psi^{-1}(y) dy.\]

Now we can pair \(\varphi\) and \(\varphi^{\prime}\) in the following way: \[I(s; \varphi, \varphi^\prime) = \int_{GL_m(k)\backslash GL_m(\mathbb{A})} \mathbb{P}^n_m \varphi\left(\begin{array}{cc} h& \\ &1\end{array}\right)\varphi^\prime(h)|\det h|^{s-\frac{1}{2}}dh.\]

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Nontrivial bound for a sum involving characters

To find a non-trivial bound for an expression is an essential task in analytic number theory. For example, to derive a asymptotic formula for the number of primes less than or equal to \(x\), i.e. \(\pi(x)\), we investigate into the function \[\Psi(x) = \sum_{\substack{n \le x \\ n = p^k}} \log p.\] Along the way to the asymptotic formula for \(\Psi(x)\), it’s important to bound the error terms so that they won’t overweight the dominant term. Nowadays, many mathematicians are interested in finding non-trivial bounds for weighted \(\Psi(x)\), i.e., \[\Psi(x) = \sum_{\substack{n \le x \\ n = p^k}} a_n \log p,\] where \(a_n \in \C\). If \(a_n = \chi(n)\) for some character \(\chi \text{ mod }q\), this is actually \(\Psi(x, \chi)\). Trivially, we can have \[\left\lvert \Psi(x) \right\rvert \le \sum_{\substack{n \le x \\ n = p^k}} |a_n| \log p.\] Therefore, it seems that we can just work with \(a_n \in \R_{\ge 0}\). Truly, this will give us a bound for \(\Psi(x)\), but it ignores all the cancellation encoded in the signs of \(a_n\), thus it won’t provide any good bounds.

Another kind of expressions that many mathematicians work with are those sums involving characters. The simplest example is \(\displaystyle \sum_{n=m+1}^{m+N} \chi(n)\) for a character \(\chi \text{ mod }q\). The trivial bound for it is \(N\), since \(|\chi(n)| \le 1\), which is certainly a coarse bound. Actually, we have

Theorem 1 (Pólga-Vinogradov inequality). Let \(\chi \text{ mod }q\) be a primitive character and \(q \ge 3\). Then \[\left\lvert \sum_{n=m+1}^{m+N} \chi(n) \right\rvert < \sqrt{q}\log q.\]

This non-trivial bound doesn’t depend on the length \(N\) at all, but only depends on the modulus \(q\). If the primitive condition is dropped, then it is bounded by \(2 \sqrt{q}\log q\).

In this post, I will give a non-trivial bound for the sum \(\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{N} \chi(n)\chi(n+1)\), which was originally asked by my friend Yongxiao, as a practice for my analytic number theory course.

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